(Download) File Organizer Tool
Update 2011-05-28:
I'll create a proper project page here lateron.
Code available on GitHub: http://github.com/pvdissel/dfot
Progress available on Pivotaltracker: http://www.pivotaltracker.com/projects/132698
Looks like someone else already did a very good job creating something like the (Download) File Organizer Tool. It's called "Sick Beard" and does a bit more on some parts and a bit less on other parts.
Checkout http://sickbeard.com
You can use it standalone or in combination with SABnzbd+ (they both share a look-and-feel so even that is a plus.
So the "(Download) File Organizer Tool" project is now cancelled (was it even started ;)) See my post at http://ikoodi.nl/2010/10/22/download-file-organizer-tool/ for original idea.